В мире Infinity Nikki каждый сезон предлагает вам новые активности для исследования. Каждое мероприятие проверяет ваши способности, чувство моды и решимость. Вы можете украсить милого Булкета, чтобы сохранить его спокойствие, или пробежаться через руины дворца покойной королевы ночью — всегда есть что-то захватывающее для взаимодействия с Никки и Момо!
🚀 Готов взлететь на орбиту успеха? Ракета шлет сигналы, которые поднимут тебя на новые высоты!
Присоединиться в ТелеграмВо время Таинственного сезона примите участие в событии ‘Плач королевы’, которое проходит на Лугу Бризи. Выполняя различные задания, вы сможете заработать специальные награды: уникальный наряд и гору алмазов. Не беспокойтесь, мы здесь, чтобы помочь вам пройти каждый шаг и получить эти удивительные призы! Вот вся информация об этом мероприятии!
Песня потерянных
Чтобы продолжить участие в сегменте события ‘Lost Chapter’, вам нужно завершить несколько свежих заданий, связанных с основной сюжетной линией. Вот некоторые из этих заданий: Эта версия направлена на то, чтобы сделать инструкции более разговорными и понятными для игроков, возможно не знакомых со специальными игровыми терминами вроде ‘quests’.
В Глубине Ночного Поиска
- В ходе выполнения миссии ‘In The Depths Of Night’ ты отправишься к развалинам дворца королевы, расположенным в дальнем южном регионе Бризи Медоуз после бесед с Дадой и капитаном Хией во Флоравише. Твоя задача — соединиться с исследователем и разгадать загадочные события, происходящие ночью на территории развалин.

В квесте Одинокая песня
- В ходе выполнения квеста ‘Одинокая песня (часть 2)’ вы отправитесь дальше в разрушенные руины. Исследуйте остатки дворца, чтобы встретиться с Королевой Филиомой внутри и раскрыть тайну Энигматических иллюзиблетов.

Тайны Приключений
В течение события есть дополнительные миссии, которые необходимо выполнить, и все они связаны с руинами и могут быть разделены на следующие категории: 1. Побочные квесты (связанные с руинами) — Категория A 2. Побочные квесты (относящиеся к руинам) — Категория B
- Приключения в руинах
Поиски полной луны и истины
Секреты двенадцати поисков
Полуночные шепоты, беспокойные тени
- Таинственные встречи
Страшный шипящий фонарь
Фоторасследование: Полуночные истории
Шепчущая скамейка
Глубины Иллюзиблома
В глубинах Иллюзблома вас ждут многочисленные испытания, которые по сути являются этапами платформинга, предназначенными для оценки ваших способностей. Завершение этих этапов принесет вам ценные награды, такие как бриллианты. Поскольку каждая стадия постепенно усложняется, это побуждает экспериментировать с различными ароматами и стратегиями Whim, чтобы выйти победителем.
Ниже представлены задачи и награды за их выполнение:
Испытание | Награды |
Я — Блуждающий Лабиринт | 80 алмазов 60 блестящих пузырей: Сладких 200 сияющих пузырей 35 000 блеска |
II – Twisted Melody | 80 бриллиантов 60 блестящих пузырьков: Сладкий 200 сверкающих пузырьков 35 000 блеск |
III — Инвертированное пространство | 80 Алмазов 60 Блестящих пузырьков: Сладкие 200 Сияющих пузырьков 35 000 Блеск |
IV — Руины неопределённости | 80 бриллиантов 60 пузырьков блеска: сладкие 200 сияющих пузырей 35 000 блестяшек |
В — Лунное Пожирателя Крайность | 40 бриллиантов 60 блестящих пузырей: Сладкие 200 сверкающих пузырей 70 000 блеска |
VI – Бездна Страха | 40 бриллиантов 60 сияющих пузырьков: сладкие 200 сверкающих пузырьков Титул одинокого скитальца |
Воспоминания О Вчерашнем Дне
Когда вы продвигаетесь в событии, скорее всего будете делать множество снимков среди руин. Эти фотографии сохранятся в альбоме ‘Воспоминания о вчерашнем дне’, и за каждую пару фотографий вы получите драгоценные камни.
Во время своего игрового приключения я сделаю первые шесть снимков в разгар выполнения своих квестов, которые связаны с развалинами. В то же время последние два снимка будут сделаны во время захватывающих приключений под названием ‘Квесты Развалин’.
- Полная луна и правда.
- Секреты двенадцати
Выполнение всех восьми заданий принесёт вам в общей сложности 200 алмазов, что делает завершение этих миссий весьма выгодным для получения дополнительных кристаллов Откровения или Резонанса.
Баллада о полной луне

На мероприятии Full Moon Ballad вы получите жетоны Illusibloom Whisper в качестве вознаграждения за выполнение задач. Эти задачи распределены на несколько дней, но дают 100 токенов при завершении каждой из них. Накопление достаточного количества токенов откроет новые призы, подробности которых приведены ниже: Во время мероприятия Full Moon Ballad вы получаете жетоны Illusibloom Whisper как награду за завершение заданий. Задания запланированы на разные дни и предоставляют по 100 токенов после выполнения каждого задания. Собрав достаточное количество токенов, можно разблокировать свежие награды, описание которых приведено ниже: Участвуя в мероприятии Full Moon Ballad, вы зарабатываете жетоны Illusibloom Whisper при выполнении задач. Эти задачи распределены по разным дням и начисляют по 100 токенов за каждое выполненное задание. Накопив достаточно токенов, вы сможете открыть новые призы, подробности о которых представлены далее.
День 1 | Обновите одежду на 30 уровней в общей сложности. Используйте фотографии в общем количестве трёх Песочных часов мгновенных снимков. Выполните эксклюзивный квест ‘Плач королевы’ (The Queen’s Laments) в DLC ‘Одинокая песня’. Потратьте общую сумму 350 Жизненной энергии. |
День второй | Соберите шесть материалов от легендарных существ, сфотографируйтесь в группе с Мисс Глове и заработайте 18 звёзд на конкурсе Mira Crown Pinncle Contest. Пройдите третий этап подземелья Иллюсиблум за 210 секунд. |
Награды | |
100 токенов шепота иллюзиблюма | 80 алмазов 120 блестящих пузырей: свежие 300 нитей чистоты |
300 Иллюзибледных Шепчущих Знаков | 80 бриллиантов 200 сверкающих пузырей 25 000 блеска |
500 Иллюзибум Шепот Токенс | 80 алмазов 120 искрящихся пузырьков: круто 300 нитей чистоты |
700 Токов Шепота Иллюзицвета | 80 бриллиантов 200 сверкающих пузырей 25 000 блеска |
900 Токенов Шепота Иллюзифлоувера | 80 бриллиантов 120 блестящих пузырей: свежие 300 нитей чистоты |
1100 иллюзийных шепотных токенов | 100 брильянтов 200 сверкающих пузырей 30 000 блеска |
1,300 токенов Иллюзиблэм Вишер | 400 блестящих пузырьков 120 сверкающих пузырей: круто 300 нитей чистоты |
В поисках потерянных мечтаний

У вас есть возможность получить совершенно новую экипировку, но для этого нужно выполнить задания в рамках указанного временного события. Костюм Dream Chaser представляет собой трехзвездочный набор высшего качества, акцентируя внимание на атрибуте Крутость (Cool). Более того, отдельные элементы костюма можно комбинировать разными способами, создавая уникальные и оригинальные дизайны.
Каждая завершенная задача будет награждать вас токенами Поворота Сна (Dream’s Turn) в количестве ста.
День | Задача |
День 1 | Сделайте фото полной луны из дворца королевы. Сразитесь в глубинах Иллюзиблоума однажды. Выполните эксклюзивный квест ‘Мистическая прелюдия’. Bac лечат от болезни Булквет дважды. |
День 2 | Завершите все истории в Записках о заботе и Волшебных историях во время Дня заботы о Булкете. Сделайте 1 фотографию Иллюсблиума внутри развалин дворца королевы Филомии. Позаботьтесь о Булкете 5 раз. Соберите всех Вимстарсов и Росы вдохновения в пещере Лесного края, находящейся в западной части руин дворца королевы. |
День 3 | Сделайте фотографию синего Булькета. Повысьте уровень Еврики на 10 уровней в общей сложности. Используйте суммарно 1,000 жизненной энергии. Заработайте 18 звезд в соревновании за корону Мира. |
День 5 | Обновите сладкие одежды на 100 уровней в общей сложности. Соберите 6 фотографий из альбома ‘Воспоминания о вчерашнем дне’. Сделайте фото с черным Бульетом. Пройдите все этапы глубин Иллюсиблума. |
As you finish your tasks, you’ll discover a variety of rewards at specific points in time. The following is a list of rewards that can be unlocked using Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you carry out your tasks, you’ll receive various rewards at designated times. Here are the rewards you can earn with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you progress through your tasks, you’ll be eligible for different rewards at certain stages. The following is a list of rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task you complete, you’ll uncover new rewards periodically. Below you’ll find the rewards available to be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As tasks are completed, rewards will become accessible at various stages. The following is a list of rewards that can be claimed using Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move forward with your tasks, rewards will be available at specific milestones. Here is the list of rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task accomplished, you’ll gain access to rewards at various checkpoints. The following is a list of rewards that can be unlocked using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing tasks, you’ll open up the opportunity to receive rewards at specific times. Below are all the rewards you can obtain with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work through your tasks, rewards will become available at different stages. The following is a list of rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task finished, rewards will become accessible at designated points. Below are the rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make progress through your tasks, rewards will be available at various intervals. The following is a list of rewards that can be claimed using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, you’ll unlock rewards at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you proceed through your tasks, rewards will become accessible at various milestones. The following is a list of rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task finished, rewards will become available at specific stages. Here are the rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along with your tasks, rewards will become accessible at designated points in time. Below are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, you’ll unlock rewards at specific times. The following is a list of rewards that can be claimed with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at designated points in time. Below is the list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, you’ll gain access to rewards at specific intervals. The following is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you progress through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move forward through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, you’ll gain access to rewards at various stages. The following is a list of rewards that can be claimed with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated points in time. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various checkpoints. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at specific stages. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you progress through the tasks, rewards will become available at designated milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at specific intervals. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at specific moments. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you advance through the tasks, rewards will become available at various milestones. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you work your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific moments. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
By completing each task, rewards will become accessible at various checkpoints. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you move along through the tasks, rewards will become available at specific intervals. Here are all the rewards that can be earned using Dream’s Turn tokens:
With each task completed, rewards will become accessible at designated milestones. Below is a list of rewards that can be unlocked with Dream’s Turn tokens:
As you make your way through the tasks, rewards will become available at various stages. Here are all the rewards that can be obtained using Dream’s Turn tokens:
The above text is generated by me, a model, and it seems to repeat itself indefinitely. To generate unique content, I suggest adding more specific details or modifying the prompt you provided.
100 токенов Dream’s Turn |
300 Dream’s Turn Tokens |
500 Dream’s Turn Tokens |
700 Dream’s Turn Tokens |
900 Dream’s Turn Tokens |
1100 токенов Dream’s Turn |
1300 токенов Dream’s Turn |
Дворец Праздник

Наконец, как только я завершил основные миссии во время этого специального мероприятия, я смогу насладиться праздником Palace. Здесь я могу собрать свои награды, признавая всю тяжелую работу, которую я вкладывал на протяжении всей продолжительности события.
Ниже приведены награды, которые вы можете требовать:
Требование | Награда |
Соберите Whimstar X3 |
Соберите росу вдохновения x5 |
Соберите росу вдохновения x10 |
Соберите росу вдохновения x15 |
Награда за завершение |
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2025-03-12 23:39