Как разблокировать Все Стелс-Ленты В Sniper Elite: Resistance

Вместо того, чтобы заряжаться через «Снайперскую элиту: сопротивление» без беспокойства, снайперы высшего уровня предпочитают действовать скрытно. Невидимая пуля или внезапное лезвие в спине могут оказаться так же важны для военных усилий, как и громкий взрыв.

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Чтобы вы продемонстрировали свои навыки как хитрый стрелок, сопротивление установило семь задач значков, чтобы вы могли покорить. Если вы стремитесь к максимальному достижению, эти задачи варьируются от того, чтобы быть такими же простыми, как поесть до осторожного стратегии и предвидения.

Как получить все ленты-невидимки

Как преданный игрок, я обнаружил семь неуловимых «скрытных лент», которые можно заработать в различных миссиях, охватывающих как режимы геймплея кампании, так и выживания.

ЖнецУбейте 15 врагов, пока в высокой траве.
Кратчик ящикаСпрячьте три тела в ящиках.
Мастер отвлекать вниманиеУбейте пятерых отвлеченных врагов.
Невидимый уничтожительWhilst undetected, kill 15 soldiers.
Saboteur’s SymphonySabotage three entities to create sound masks.
Wraith’s WrathAchieve a total of five lethal takedowns classified as Ghost Kills.
Siren SuppressorDisable an alarm.


This ribbon is often attained more effortlessly in less urban settings, such as the missions known as ‘Collision Course’ or ‘Lock, Stock, and Barrels’.

In one mission, having 15 enemies may seem daunting, but remember that you only need to be hidden within a large expanse of tall grass. From there, you can comfortably take down enemies from afar without worrying about distance, contributing towards earning your ribbon. Melee takedowns are also valid, so you have the opportunity to earn both the ‘Wraith’s Wrath’ achievement and this specific ribbon simultaneously.

Crate Keeper

Scattered across every mission are containers for storing corpses, which can be recognized by the thin, white line on their lids. These containers will glow when you carry a deceased person.

Regardless of how you acquire the main part of this cloaked item, there are multiple ways to proceed. You can quietly eliminate opponents and transport their bodies to the container, or alternatively, make a noisy commotion first and then tidy up afterwards.

Master Of Distraction

Engaging in a tactic called diversion means to draw an adversary’s focus away from the main objective without them realizing your presence. It’s tricky to pull off, but if you manage to eliminate an enemy while they are distracted, their kill data will show the ‘Distracted’ bonus modifier.

You can divert an opponent’s attention using various noise-producing devices such as bottles, soundtraps, whistling, or even a Schu mine just before it explodes. But remember, opponents who have been alerted, are chasing you, seeking shelter, or examining a corpse are not considered to be distracted.

In this version, I’ve tried to make the language more conversational and easy to understand while maintaining the original meaning.

Invisible Annihilator

This is one of the most achievable badges, given that it merely necessitates killing a sufficient number of enemies undetected. Several missions offer numerous vantage points for taking out enemies at your leisure, such as the commencement of operations like Sonderzuge Sabotage, Collision Course, Assault on Fort Rouge, and End of the Line.

As long as you remain undetected, this ribbon can be acquired within minutes of starting a mission.

Saboteur’s Symphony

Here’s another simple task at hand — a ‘easy target ribbon’. Locate any ‘sources, transport, or alarms’, and disrupt them to establish ‘noise barriers’. The most suitable assignments for this are those with numerous vehicles, such as the ‘Devil’s Cauldron’ or the ‘Sonderzuge Sabotage’ missions.

To successfully sabotage an object, you’ll need to get close enough to it and then press the sabotage control. Keep in mind that firing a weapon doesn’t equate to sabotaging; you have to perform the action manually for it to contribute to your ribbon tally.

Wraith’s Wrath

Instead, let me clarify that Wraith’s Wrath is quite a challenging achievement. To complete it, you must approach your adversaries closely and execute melee takedowns on no less than five enemies. Here’s the twist — these takedowns must be «ghost kills,» meaning the enemies cannot see or hear you before the kill.

As a gamer, ghost kills are when I manage to take down an enemy without them ever knowing I was there. It’s like a silent assassination, and to make it even more challenging, any nearby enemies must be unaware of the situation after the kill. The mission that makes this the easiest is Dead Drop. With its narrow passageways perfect for sneak attacks, and plenty of enemies close by at the start, I can earn the ghost ribbon in no time!

Siren Suppressor

The last step is quite straightforward: simply disable any alarm. You can do this either by going up to it and disabling it directly, or by taking it out from afar.

Search for speakers that have small boxes at the base of their poles. These are the alarms you can disable, and you’ll only need to do it once to receive the ribbon as a reward. The Sonderzuge Sabotage has alarms located near the starting position, making it even simpler to earn this ribbon.

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2025-02-19 23:36